Saturday, November 28, 2009

I know, I know. You're waiting for the rest of the chocolate chip cookie post. I'm sorry. Life has been crazy. My house is a disaster. I need to get it cleaned up and get the Christmas stuff up so we have background options for our family photo on Monday. I want to have plenty of time when I sit down and write the rest of that so I make sure not to forget anything and it all comes across right. Is that enough excuses? Lol!

This morning Jersey managed to find a way to the neighbor's yard. I think she got up on the cedar stump and went over the fence. So I had to go get her. But she made friends with the lost dog that's been in our neighborhood for 2 weeks. I called animal control last week and the dog's still here. I wish I could take him in but there's no way. Anybody need a sweet but skittish brindle and white mixed breed?

I do NOT want to get started on the house. It seems like every possible thing that could be dirty is dirty. Should I clean first and then decorate or decorate and then clean? I'll sit here some more and think about it.

Tuvok and Jersey have figured out how to play tug with each other. It's cute. Right now they each want to play tug with a different toy and it isn't working out so well. Oh, now they have the same toy. They are having so much fun together! Tuvok's going to be sad when Jersey has to go home.

I've decided to do a milk fast for a couple of weeks between now and Christmas. I'm lactose intolerant but I take pills and drink milk anyway cause I love it so much. But every once in a while I have to take a break and let my body do some cleansing. This morning I had oatmeal. I tried to make it in the crock pot overnight but the timer didn't work. I had to use a wall timer thing and I guess I didn't set it up right because the oatmeal was still cold this morning. So I drained off the extra water and put it in the microwave for 2 minutes and it was yummy. Apparently you're supposed to use steel cut oats for the crock pot but I decided to try the old fashioned rolled oats and just cook them for less time. Oh well. I'll just make them in the microwave or on the stove until I can get to a store that actually sells steel cut oats. I need to finish up my box of cereal before I start in earnest anyway.

All this talk about oatmeal made me hungry for some more. I like it with a little brown sugar and cinnamon. One of these days I want to try it with molasses or honey.

I think I'll decorate first and then use the energy I create from that to clean afterwards. Besides, I'll have glitter and stuff all over the place and just have to clean again anyway. I wish everything didn't have to have glitter on it. Oh well.

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