Thursday, February 10, 2011

I was a girl this evening. I mean, technically, I'm a girl all the time. But usually I don't really act like it. Tonight we had to go to the mall to get DH's suit and to get the other suit fitted. DH let me browse all I wanted. I kept trying to apologise for taking up so much time but he insisted it was ok. I dicsovered that this winter I was supposed to be wearing sweater dresses everywhere. They are all on sale now. I found several cute ones but I didn't buy any. I'd have to have a much smaller spare tire to feel comfortable in one of those! There were some cute shirts in other stores. I found a really fun party top. I don't party; didn't buy that one. It would look really cute under a blazer though... But anyway, I ended up getting 2 pairs of shoes. They originally were $109 and $50 and I got them for $33 and $15. Score!

I've just decided: my Betta's name is Lrrr. It is from Futurama. Lrrr is the ruler of planet Omicron Persei 8. He's one of my favorite characters from that show. I'm supposed to keep with the Star Trek theme for the animals but Lrrr fits this betta really well.

Tomorrow is Friday. One of my bosses lost his father unexpectedly and the funeral is tomorrow. I really liked his dad and I kinda want to go to the funeral but I don't think it's appropriate. My boss is being wierd lately and especially wierd about this and I don't want to upset him. I think only the rest of the family is going. There is something going on among the owner family. The last few weeks have been strange. They've all been upset and on edge. I wish I knew more about what was going on so I could do better to avoid upsetting them. I hope whatever it is resolves quickly. I kinda care about the family and I don't like seeing them upset, plus it makes my job harder when they're in bad moods.

I think I'm going to go to bed early. That sounds nice! Good night!

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