Lilly and Bones were taking advantage of the closet door being left open.
When I tried to get a better picture, Bones saw the lens cap and it was all over.
Here are some tulips that BIL and his wife sent me just because! They are so thoughtful! The tulips are really brightening up my bar area and they smell great!
DH's grandmother sent me a fig tree this week. I planted it yesterday. I am really looking forward to fresh figs!! I'd take a picture of it but it just looks like a stick in the ground. You can use your imaginations for that.
Yesterday after work (yes I worked for a few hours on Saturday) I went to Basket Market (Hobby Lobby wholesale)(totally freakin awesome store) and found some mini trellises for $2 each. Here is the Hoya chlorantha on the green trellis with the others anxiously awaiting their own plants.
It is nice today. The plants are outside:
This is Chamaedorea elegans in flower. Its a girl!
Well, we got busy at work this week, hence the working yesterday. I still don't have the plant shelves done. Hopefully that will happen today. We need to go to Sam;s and then we have a couples massage workshop at 3:00. That should be nice. It would be really awesome if DH could work out the knots I get in my back all the time. The monthly massages are great but I need help in between them too. He tries to help me now but he just doesn't have the technique. On Friday I cramped up really bad and my friend/massage therapist/coworker worked it out a little but I'm still very sore and knotted up. It's so wierd: I feel a specific twinge and then the cramp flares through my whole back, making it painful to breathe or move. It sucks. Tylenol3 and the muscle relaxer and 12 hours of sleep help a lot but I still hurt some.
Yesterday after I worked a little I went to Basket Market like I mentioned earlier, and then I went to Garden Ridge. I was looking at/for ideas for my house and garden and also for the flowerbeds at work. Then I came home and had a great nap. After that I went to Lowe's and Hobby Lobby and Home Depot and WalMart. I needed to buy seeds for work but I kept thinking I'd be able to find everything I needed at WalMart so I didn't purchase anything. Well, Walmart didn't have everything I wanted so now I have to go back to Lowes to get more seeds. That's ok though. I like Lowes! At WalMart I got big zinnias in red and white, blue salvia, and red impatiens.
The bosses have pretty much given me free reign over the beds. Every time I ask about an idea I have they just say, "Go for it!" They don't even seem that interested in hearing the whole idea. They seemed impressed with my willingness to start seeds for them to save them money. I won't be able to start seeds for everything I want but it will help.
The first white crocus is about to bloom at work. That is exciting. I'd like to get some of the new red Helleborus. I think that would look really nice in the beds. The hardest part is finding blue things. I want to get a big tall planter and paint it 280 Blue and put red and white flowering things in it. And also a small evergreen for height. I have the perfect spot for it. The planter will be expensive though. At least $80 from what I saw while shopping yesterday.
In other news, the animals are still fine. I was watering the terrarium yesterday so I took out the begonia. It doesn't like to get water on it's leaves. I put the plant next to Lrrr's tank and he went over and hung out by it. When I took it away he seemed upset, like he wasn't done looking at it. It was very cute. I put the plant back for a few minutes so he could investigate it further.
Bones and Lillibutt are really enjoying the nice weather and the open back doors. They go in and out, and in and out. Bones likes being outside a lot. He's become a darter. We have to watch him closely when we open outside doors. I'd really like to build a cat enclosure outside so they can enjoy the sun but still be safe.
I need to get ready for the day. You know, since the day's half over already. :-)