Saturday, November 13, 2010

DH came through his surgery just fine. He thinks he's a little nearsighted, on top of his 20/200 noncorrectable vision. So now his glasses will have a prescription in them, instead of being purely for protection. He says everything is much brighter and the milky/hazy sensation is gone.

My parents are coming down today to help me get my landscaping under control. If we had a neighborhood association we'd be kicked out by now. DH has a list and I have a list. We're going to have to work out priorities. :-)

DH bought me a book. Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms (when all my lab tests are normal) I'm in chapter 4 and so far it is very interesting and promising. The whole point of the book is that doctors typically only test TSH and that doesn't give the whole picture on thyroid function. Especially with Hashimoto's. Also, he's done a lot of research and discovered that treating Hashimoto's as a thyroid disorder doesn't fix the problem. You have to fix the immune system. Recommendation #1: do a two week gluten-free trial. I started that yesterday. Supposedly gluten intolerance is a huge deal among Hashimotos patients. The immune system has a hard time telling the difference between a gluten molecule and a thyroid molecule. So if the immune system is already attacking gluten, from your gluten intolerance, then it'll eventually discover this huge wad of "gluten" up in your neck where your thyroid used to be. So the first thing you do to get your immune system off red alert is to remove as much of the offending substance as possible. After that there's a bunch of specific blood tests to figure out which way the immune system is out of balance and restore the balance. Something about T-helper cells and TH-cytokines and stuff. It's all very technical.

So anyway, this is Day2 gluten free. I feel about the same. I have all the brain and emotional motivation to get up and do lots of stuff but my body says NO. It takes a hurculean effort to get off my butt and walk somewhere. The walking is fine- just the getting up part is too much. We have to clean the kitchen when I'm done blogging. The thought of it makes me want to curl up and cry. And then we have a whole work day planned. I am so sick of feeling this way.

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