Saturday, January 9, 2010

You know what I said about getting on here more after the holidays? Yeah, I don't know what happened. I've still been really busy. This last week I had errands to run each evening so any interneting was limited to email, facebook, and gardenweb. This morning I finally caught up on all my lols. Which means I visited and looked at adorable pictures of cats. Then I made some chocolate chip cookies and now I'm making some carrot orange mini muffins. All the female members of Mom's side are supposed to go to the youngest aunt's house today but she's not awake yet so we're all still waiting. I have to leave there by 4:30 because my boss is having a chili party tonight and I want to go and take the choco chip cookies.

So we have an arctic cold bubble over Oklahoma. Actually, I think it's over America. Florida's concerned about the oranges. Yesterday morning it was 7 degrees. This morning it was 8. It is 13 now. We southerners are not equipped for this! I have learned that my greenhouse heater keeps it 20 degrees warmer than the outside. Most of my plants are inside right now because 27 is too cold for them. But the peas, thyme, and oregano are out there.

(I just looked over at my mini muffins and thought, "I love to bake!" I'm such a nerd.)

So anyway, I'd like to plant some seeds this weekend. It's about time so start cabbage, broccoli, radishes, catnip, eggplant, peppers, and a few marigolds. I already started some broccoli. The seeds came with the sprouts kit I got for Christmas. I'm supposed to eat them, and I'll eat some, but I figured I'd grow some plants too. I like full sized steamed broccoli better than the sprouts anyway. I just do not like raw brassicas. I have peat pots and stuff out in the greenhouse. But it's cold outstide and I don't want to go get them.

Perhaps I'll see about uploading some pictures...

There ya go. That's Tuvok and Lady (aunt and uncle's collie) and my Lillibutt.

1 comment:

  1. Great pics, Tigerdawn!

    Try to stay warm, better weather is on the way! We'll wish we had some of this bottled up when late July and August gets here! --Ilene
