Saturday, January 16, 2010

tough week

I ate well all week. It wasn't as hard as I was thinking it would be. I enjoy doing good things for my body. I didn't cheat even when the opportunity presented. I think I'm feeling better for it but this week at work has been so hard that it negated any energy and general feeling good I may have had. Today I slept until 11:30 and tomorrow is supposed to be warm and sunny. Hopefully I'll be doing well by the time Monday comes.

I have a lot planned for the weekend. Not much of it is going to actually get done. Today I'm going to clean up the house a little and clean the bunny. Then my friend and her 18 month old are coming over for a while and we're going to the dog park. I may go to their house tonight with DH and his friends if I'm feeling up to it or I may stay home and have a quiet evening.

I need to go to the health food store, put up all the Christmas decorations (yeah, the tree is still up), and do a bunch of gardening stuff. But right now I'm going to sit here at the computer and drink my tea and have random vegetables to eat for lunch.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait for tomorrow's sun! It's been so gloomy so often, I seem to have a permanent chill.

    Enjoy the day!
