Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year

2010 is basically over. The first part was pretty good but fall and winter kind of sucked. I'm glad to be rid of them.

This week I pretty much crashed. I still did all the things I needed to do- like go to work and hang out with family, but I was so exhausted. I wasn't very productive at work and I felt bad about it but I didn't have the wherewithall to do anything about it. Next week should be better.

DH's brother and his wife were here all week. We hung out with them practically every night. They live in North Carolina so we really miss them. They went home today.

Today I slept until 11-something. It was awesome and I feel much better. I need to make molasses crinkles, german chocolate cake, and potato soup. Dave and Froggi are coming over for dinner. Tomorrow I need to make cornbread and then the cornbread and the molasses crinkles and DH and I are going to visit my mom's side of the family. I don't know if anything is happening on Sunday.

Next week I visit the rheumatologist. I'm hoping to get a second opinion on the Hashimoto's along with his thoughts on the other possible autoimmune stuff. Perhaps he'll have some insight into why I'm so easily worn out.

This morning I made looseleaf tea with my new Perfectea Maker from Teavana. It brews the loose tea in the device, then strains it into your cup and you have no tea leaves in your cup! It is really awesome. Now I am eating hazelnuts. I have searched all season for them and just now found them. Yum!

I have seed catalogs to peruse and Christmas money to spend. What a chore! Lol!

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