Friday, March 19, 2010

I don't want to be rich, but sometimes I wish I had a little more disposeable income. My mom's birthday is today and I want to buy her so many things! Mother's day is coming too. And I just like to do nice things for people. But I can't. And being sick all week is putting even more of a strain on things. DH says don't worry, that's what savings are for. But he just got done freaking out last week about maybe having to take from savings. I don't know. I wish he was more consistent. I never know if our money situation is ok or not because his mood determines if we have enough money or if they're coming to take the house. (Disclaimer: they're not coming to take the house, no matter what mood DH is in.)

My aunt is having a stressful week and I want to just go and scoop her up and take her to a spa or something. I want to offer my home to her as a respite but we're both sick and the place is a wreck and DH totally spazzes when the house is a mess and he won't let anyone come in. Even if they're our closest friends.

Boy, I'm just all down on things all of a sudden!

I made some tea and my aunt and I are on to happier topics on our facebook chat so I'm feeling better. I'm so affected by the emotional states of people I care about. It hurts me when people I love hurt. It hurts me when animals hurt. It does not hurt me when people hurt because they are stupid. Maybe that's why I'm not a democrat. Ooohh! Sorry, bad joke.

Anyway. Tomorrow I'm going to clean the floors and reload and run the dishwasher. I may or may not take pictures of the snow. I sure wish I knew where my snow pants were! Other than that I plan to have my butt firmly planted in a chair the whole day.

I have been getting so bored! I love to be home but not when I can't DO ANYTHING!! I got a couple of books from the library but I'm so stir crazy already that I can't read more than a couple of pages at a time before I have to get up and walk around. Even the internet can't hold my attention for long. Blargh!

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