Friday, May 13, 2011

Wrapping up some stuff

Mom brought it to my attention that I never finished the story of the lost snake.  Well!  He'd been gone a few days and  one evening I had to run to the store real quick because I was out of something for baking.  I forgot my phone.  As I drove up the street back home I noticed DH out front waving at me in the way that you know something's not ok.  So I stop before the garage and he tells me the snake is in the laundry room and he isn't happy (the snake).  The cats were apparently harassing him and he was all slithering around and hissing at them.  So I'm like, great!  He's not dead!  I look under, over, and inside everything in the entire room.  No snake.  I heat up a mouse to see if he's hungry.  Nothing.  So I give up for the night.  The next night I'm in the kitchen and Bones is sitting on the floor looking at the refrigerator.  It crosses my mind as something odd for Bones to be doing but I dismiss it.  I even move him out of the way to get in the fridge at one point.  As soon as I closed the door Bones was right back in the spot, staring intently at the space between the fridge and the cabinet.  Picture a cartoon light bulb above my head at this point. 

So we move the fridge out and there's Garak, looking pretty upset that we stole his heat source.  We couldn't get the fridge out far enough for me to feel comfortable getting back there with an angry snake, so we messed with him until he came out and started trying to find a place to hide under the cabinets.  He was easy to grab at that point.   So now we have Garak back and Bones saved the day.

Skipping ahead... My Hoya pubicalyx 'Red Buttons' is blooming.  I got a generous cutting about a year ago from one of the hoya folk and it's been trying to bloom since I got it but the buds kept blasting.  It's finally stable enough!  I say "finally"; it's a minor miracle to see blooms this soon.

Bones thinks it's cool.

He and DH like the smell of the blooms better than me.  I think they're too musty.

I'll have lots more exciting tales to tell soon.  We have a major plumbing ...thing.  We have plans for a new lawn.  And we're going camping tomorrow.  And I'm going to bed now so you'll have to wait for the rest of it.

1 comment:

  1. Loved those pics of Bones and the Hoya.

    In my experience, almost ALL those home-repair types sing a different song after they've been hired. So you have lots of company. I hope everything gets fixed soon.

    Hugs, Ilene
