Monday, May 30, 2011

Garden Tour

Here's a tour of my yard:

Sunchokes from Swap

Cypress Vine from Swap

Dwarf Burning Bush $2.50 @ Lowes

Daylilies that came with the house

Hyacinth Bean from the swap

White Butterfly Bush $3 @ Under The Sun

Clematis from Mom.  They might make it!

Angel Trumpet.  Gonna have to move it somewhere else

Front bed with daylilies and salvia and lots of things yet to bloom

White Hill Salvia.  I love this plant!

Rudbeckia $3 @ Under The Sun

Baby Zinnia from seed

Anyone know what this is?  It was $1.12 at Lowes so I brought it home.

The north side of the house post plumber.

Apricot Hibiscus tree $5 at Lowes

My Begonia is blooming!

Ornamental Peppers with petunias.  Peppers $4, all in one pot, purple petunia $1.50 at Lowes, Laura Bush petunias from swap.

New gardening shoes, $7 at WalMart

Fig tree from Grandma Carol

Desert Rose (Adenium obesum) $14 @ WalMart

1 comment:

  1. Your plant from Lowe's MIGHT be Dame's Rocket. Mine kind of looks like that. If that's what it is, it's a biennial and will be tall and gorgeous next year. The next best thing to lilacs. Google's messed up and I can't seem to post as me anymore. Ilene (Rockwhisperer)
