Monday, May 30, 2011

Our house works again

On Monday I got much less done than I had hoped. I took lots of pictures for DH since he was at work but still wanted to be in control of the situation. I made lots of tea and lemonade for the guys and then I brought DH home at noon. Guess he just couldn't take it anymore! It was still too hot to do any work so we sat around in front of the fans and watched the plumbers. It took them longer than they thought because our main sewer line wasn't as deep as they thought and so they had to add lots of piping and go out further into the yard to connect it. Something about the grade. They left at like 8:00 and we had AC, laundry, and the sink back but not the dishwasher or the garbage disposal. Those got fixed the next day when they finished up. That was the day of the tornadoes.
Mic digging up my yard

Michael leveling the ground for the new pipe

My pretty soil!

Tuvok is ready for the AC to be fixed

Since Richard is from California, he had no idea what that day meant. I don't know if he watches the news or anything but he had no idea what tornadoes are capeable of or what a PDS tornado watch means. When I explained it to him he thought I was just trying to scare him. The storms fired up at 1:50 and I watched them on my phone radar until we decided to make a break for it at 4:00. The government offices had all shut down at 3:30 and many other companies had followed suit, which just meant that rush hour was an hour earlier. Everyone was in a panic and the highways were at a standstill. I took side roads home and it still took me half an hour longer than it normally would. That was kind of scary. I was listening to KFOR storm coverage on the radio, stuck in traffic, with the giant storm looming in my rear window. David Payne was busy driving into a tornado and Mike Morgan kept marvelling at the debris balls. Since the broadcast was meant for TV, they weren't really saying where they were. Little bit of freaking out there! All the cell towers were jammed and it took several tries to send text updates at stoplights. So there was no way DH and I could communicate about storm prep until I got home.

Since I hadn't seen the radar in 45 minutes I thought the tornadoes were much closer than they were so I was in a hurry, and then DH and I argued for a few minutes before we realized what the deal was. Then we were fine. We got the shelter set up and popped a pizza in the oven. The tornadoes were still half an hour away. We were in the line of the Chickasha storm and it got right on top of us before it started to fizzle. We were standing in the living room, eating pizza with our coats on, ready to run to the shelter any second. It was kind of funny. It reminded me of a couple of years ago when we had Dave and Froggi over and a storm came. We were all standing next to the closet, peeking around to see the TV, and eating potato soup.

But the storm fizzled and we only got a minute of small hail and a ton of wind and rain. The backyard was a muddy mess from the plumbing reroute. But everything was good so DH turned his attention to cleaning up two weeks of plumbing disaster. And then I had a meltdown.

All the stress of the plumbing, the yard being dug up and trampled, and the tornadoes just came out all at once. And I think they had stirred up something I'm allergic to, because my legs were super itchy and my feet were swollen. And then we realized that I ran out of my Effexor sometime during the last week but we were so distracted we didn't notice. So yeah, meltdown. But DH handled it with amazing skill and he held me until I felt better and then he developed a plan to get things cleaned up but not too much at once so I wouldn't be overwhelmed. And we refilled my meds.

Needless to say, I felt progressively better over the next few days as the meds got back in my system and we got the house cleaned up.
Prickly Pear flower

This weekend we decided to have a staycation.  It is our 7th anniversary.  We have basically just hung out at home and then gone to eat at restaraunts.  Yesterday we ran errands.  Thrill-a-minute!  We were going to visit the Museum of Osteology yesterday but I didn't wake up in time.  No biggie.  Today DH is going to go to work to get caught up on stuff and I'm going to shop some more, and then we're going to have dinner at the inlaws.  Oh, and I'm going to make a blackberry cobbler for that.

It is super windy today.  We're in a wind advisory.  Blech.  At least it feels cooler when it's windy.  But my poor plants are not liking it at all.  I went out and took some pictures so I'll make a new post fot that. 

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