Wednesday, October 27, 2010

There have been things going on that I don't really want to put on the internet. But I think they're about over. I learned some valuable lessons: Coworkers and friends are two different things and stupid people don't learn lessons.

We got a new guy in bindery. He spent the last 30 years running a print shop in Los Angeles. But his shop didn't do the bindery so he's learning lots of new things. His goals in life are to spend quality time with his family and get money for retirement. I think he'll do pretty well.

I am tired this evening. We're careening toward the end of the month so business is picking up. Tomorrow looks crazy and Friday is sure to be crazy too.

There's a frost forecasted for tonight so I have to bring plants in.

Oh, and I made some baby booties. I found an easy pattern on

So that's about it. I'm really tired tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you take advantage of the weekend to rest up and do nothing if possible. We all need time to rejuvenate our selves.

    I remember working...........
