Friday, July 30, 2010

So, did you know that when you freeze egg yolks they get all frozen and then you can't use them until they thaw? And you can't thaw them in the microwave like chicken or something. Epic fail.

I'm making a cheesecake for my friend's birthday. I'm tired and grumpy and I don't really want to right now. But this is the only time I have to do it and Todd deserves an awesome cheesecake because he's an awesome dude. (Ladies, he is really sweet and thoughtful and smart and single!) So right now the cream cheese is sitting and warming up on the counter.

Today was a month end Friday. I don't care for Fridays much and month end Fridays are especially annoying. Everyone has to have their job before the end of the month so it can get billed. What usually happens is that we have nothing to do all week and then Friday about 3:00 everyone comes up with these problem jobs that they need right now before everyone else's rush problem job. And they are mostly mailers. We only have one cutter and one mailer. So we get a job at 3:00 that needs to be at the post office by 5:00. It has to wait in line to be cut, then it probably has to be folded or something, then it needs to be tabbed, or stamped, or both like the one today. So at 3:30 we get the job on the mailer, tab it, then we set it up to be stamped and addressed. Well the tabber isn't behaving. Of course. So they address it and we get to stamp it by hand. About 4000 of them. By 5:00. And then people wonder why I hate Fridays and why I'm grumpy today.

Most of the time I really like my job. Some days I love my job. But today I didn't like my job very much. And it wasn't the actual work. I like working on the mailer a lot. But today was just one of those days. And it's over now. :-)

The cheesecake is in the oven. DH's movie is about over I think. I can watch yesterday's dance show when he's done. Also, I ought to make nobake cookies for tomorrow.

I'm going to visit my family tomorrow. I like visiting my family. We sit and talk and work on our respective crafts. This is my mom and her sisters and that side of the family. We have aunts and cousins visiting from Texas right now so that is cool.

But before that I'm going in to work for a while. Not all of the mailers got out today so a few of us are going in to finish them up. If I'm lucky I might get leftover breakfast goodies from the managers' meeting they're having.

I think DH's movie will be done soon. I'm going to go work on my knitting for a while. I have been trying to learn to knit for forever and I keep giving up. This time I'm using a book that Froggi learned on. So far I've knitted 3 rows and I haven't exploded. I think the trick this time is I'm not trying to learn to purl at the same time. Purl is hard for me. So I'm going to knit for a long time and get comfortable with it before I try the purl again.

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