Monday, April 26, 2010

Why won't life slow down just a little?!

I don't remember what's been going on. Each day is filled with its own things and then it's over. I kind of live in the moment and have a bad memory. I do remember that on Saturday the 24th I went to the Garden Web Okie Gardeners' Spring Fling! It was awesome!! I had room for 7 tomato plants and I came home with 15. I knew I would though.

This week was end of month at work. Which means everyone wants everything done right now, even if it just came in an hour ago, so they can bill it and get good numbers. We didn't meet our goal for this month. It doesn't really affect me but it bothers the managers. I get to go in tomorrow for a little while too. It is next month, technically, but the mailers still have to go out. Working an occasional Saturday really doesn't bother me. It just feels different. Special somehow.

This weekend I have lots of planting to do. Corn, Okra, all the cucurbits. It'll take at least all of a day. Plus I need to weed-eat and go to my coworker's new house and look at the landscaping and tell them what the plants are and how to take care of them. I don't think I'll know the names of all of the plants so I'll take my camera and ID stuff when I get home. ...And several houseplants are in need of attention. I guess I can sleep when I'm dead!

We're going to Ted's for dinner tonight with Dave and Froggi. Should be fun.

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