Saturday, April 17, 2010

Another busy week!

I hit enter after I wrote the title so there may be a blank post. Oops. Also, I can't seem to type very well today.

I keep waiting for work to be less busy. Friday it was less busy, either because of the rain or because of tax time, I don't know. But it was nice. But the first three days of next week are going to be long. We have a big giant book to do. Even though it's busy, I am enjoying work. I like almost all of my coworkers and we have pleasant working conditions and fair bosses.

Thursday we had a going away party for one of the store managers. I was in charge and I was really nervous. We went to a little restaraunt downtown and about 12 people showed up. We all had a great time! I wish more people would have come but it was short notice. We convinced the waitress to have a piece of the cookie cake and then she got my number because she wanted a cookie cake for her birthday in a week or two. That's the first time I've written my number on a napkin! Lol!

Thursday night I must have slept funny because my back is all sorts of messed up. Yesterday the pain pills worked a little and last night I took more and went to sleep with the corn bag on my back. I was pain free this morning until just now. Which prompted me to blog about it. Hooray for stream of consiousness blogs!

Tuvok is restless so I have the front door open (glass door closed) so he can see and the back door open so he can go in and out. It's a little cool in the house but that's better than hearing "Grrrr-Whuf!" every 10 seconds. He's happily pacing from the front door to the back porch. Silly dog. The other day we explored a part of the park that isn't frequented by anyone and I let him off the leash. He did great! He spent most of the time within 5 feet of me and he never ventured more the 15 or 20 feet before coming right back to my side. Such a wonderful dog!! I love him!

DH is taking me to the myriad gardens today! We're going to see the tropicals in the crystal bridge before they close it for the summer to replace all the glass panels. I think the 26th is the last open day so if you want to go this year, go soon. Then we're hanging out with friends in Norman this evening.

I need to plant my cucurbits!! I have to have to have to get them planted soon!! There are more things I wanted to do but I can't remember them right now. Oh, I need to pot up the herbs I'm taking to the Spring Swap. Maybe tomorrow will be a good day for that.

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