Saturday, October 24, 2009

Today my Father-in-law, hereafter known as FIL, is helping us get my greenhouse back in working order. If anyone is considering a personal greenhouse, it would be helpful to note that aluminum frames and doors with fabric hinges are not recommended for windy areas. So if you live somewhere other than the Great Plains, it'll be fine. Unfortunately for my greenhouse, I live in the great plains. So the door's fabric hinges broke last year. Then we tried to fix it by putting the door back on with real hinges. Then the aluminum frame broke. Also, it would've helped if I didn't insist on leaving the door open on warm days. But then the greenhouse would overheat and that would also be bad. So here we are. FIL and DH are currently at Home Depot buying materials for a new door. They're already on "plan C". Plan A was the thick plastic strips that they use in cold warehouses and stuff. FIL didn't think that would work so well so then Plan B was plexiglass. I'm not sure why Plan B failed but I got a call about what color I wanted my plywood door to be.

The other thing we're going to do is install a weed barrier mat underneath the gravel on the floor of the greenhouse. The best way to accomplish this is to go back in time and put the mat in first before the gravel and also before the bermuda grass took hold. But we're going to have to make do with our corporeality and shovel/scoot the gravel to one side, install half the mat, then move it all to the other side to finish the install. Which reminds me: I need to take some ibuprofin since my back is already grumpy. Hold on...

Ok. Also, it's cold. I don't much like the cold. I suppose once I get my blood pumping it'll be better but I'm not looking forward to the part before that.

I think the boys may be back now so I'll go help them unload. Ciao.

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