Thursday, October 22, 2009

Talk To Me After My Tea


If you knew me growing up, you knew to not even try to talk to me in the morning until I ate my cereal. All three bowls of it. I think my eyes opened about halfway through the second bowl and any "good mornings" were only said after the milk was gone and the bowl was in the sink. One time DH thought it would be nice to have breakfast together. It didn't last very long. We got into a fight each morning because of my grumpitude. It makes me laugh to think back on it. So now, I have my peace through breakfast. DH and I exchange necessary conversation ("could you get my socks out of the dryer please") until I drop him off at work. I go to work and immediately make a cup of hot tea. I have the most wonderful thing- a Hot Shot hot water maker. I pour water in, press the button, and in a minute I have hot water for my tea. My coworkers have learned the hard way- Talk to me AFTER my tea. Otherwise you'll get a scowl and a grunt. Maybe a one word answer if you're lucky. Usually I'm ready to be friendly by about 9:00.


I've been feeling the need to blog. I've blogged before, but it was on a content-specific site with restricted access. My friends and family really couldn't access my blog... and then life happened and I stopped going there. So now I'm here.

I'm a 27 year old female in central Oklahoma. I work at a print shop. I'm married and have a cat, a dog, and a rabbit. I'm a Christian, Nazarene specifically. I'm not your typical female. Sure, I do female things like wear makeup to go out to dinner and eat lots of chocolate. I squeal when I see a baby animal. I like to cuddle. But I don't like the color pink or cut flowers. I don't get my nails done. I don't wear ruffles or cutesy things. I don't want to be a mother.

This blog is for my benefit. It is a creative outlet and serves my need to document things that happen in my life for future reference. I'll probably say things that make you mad, or at least, that you don't agree with. I don't much care. I'm not here for you. But, if you find my ramblings interesting, feel free to follow along and even comment.

Here's some background. I was born and raised in the country just south of a small town in central-ish Oklahoma. My dad worked at a print shop and my mom stayed home with my brother and I until I was in middle-high school and then she was our church secretary. We were poor and I never really was bothered by it. We always had plenty to eat and clothes to wear and we had lots of friends and loved ones. My parents are some of the most wonderful giving people you'll ever meet. My little brother is just like them. I have no idea what happened to me. I got all the attitude. I prefer "spunk" but attitude is more accurate. Anyway, we lived in a trailer house in 40 acres of woods. I spent most of the time outside playing by myself. Oh, to be back there again!! My parents tried very hard to shelter me from all the difficult things in life. It has been a mixed blessing. Innocence gets teased.

I was never a rebellious kid. I knew my parents loved me and made decisions in my best interest. I never felt the need to learn things the hard way. If an adult said, "Don't start smoking because it's really hard to quit and you'll regret it", I took them at their word. As a result, I never smoked, drank, tried drugs, had sex, snuck out, went to a party, snuck into an R movie, or any of the other things kids usually do. I didn't see the point. The other kids that did that weren't happy. They usually got in trouble. Oh. That's another thing about me. Being in trouble is one of THE WORST things that can happen to me. It's an irrational fear. Literally, I have a phobia of being in trouble. It actually ranks second, right under the fear of suffocation. I've been in trouble plenty of times, however. It was awful each time.

I graduated as one of 8 valedictorians in my class of 82. I went to OSU and majored in Wildlife and Fisheries Ecology with an emphasis in Wildlife Management and Research. Or just Wildlife Management for short. I loved my major and my classes. I spent most of my free time at the Nazarene Student Center where I made many lifelong (so far at least) friends and met my husband. He was a PoliSci major and went to OU law after graduation. When I graduated in '04 we got married and I moved down to Norman while he finished his law degree. He's now an Assistant District Attorney for Oklahoma County. (Side note: if you do anything bad to me, he'll get you.) I worked as a zookeeper at the Little River Zoo in Norman for a couple of years, spent a year at the OK county Court Clerk's office, and now I'm at the print shop. (I worked at the OSU print shop in college with my dad.)

So now... now we own a house, we both work full time, and struggle to keep our priorities in line. I guess we're pretty normal. :-) Except we're not. But who is, really?

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