Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm working from home today.  This is the one week out of the month that I actually don't have a buttload of stuff to do.  So I'm doing some little things to make life easier, like putting all our clients' numbers in my phone, and stuff like that.  Right now I'm taking a bit of a lunch break and making some baked squash.

I have 5 pattypan squash plants this year.  Every other day or so I go out and remove all the suash bugs, squash bug eggs, and squash vine borer eggs.  It seems to be working because I've gotten 3 squashes so far.

Normally I put olive oil and salt and pepper in a pan and sautee the sliced squash but today I decided to try an experiment.  I brushed olive oil and salt and pepper on all the slices and then on each slice I tried a different flavor.  Garlic, dill, rosemary, oregano, and thyme.  Except I got a little mixed up and the garlic got on the oregano and thyme pieces too.  So we'll see.  Oh, and I'm baking them in the oven.

Life is going pretty well overall.  I had a little fender bender the other day during rush hour so the car is in the shop and we have a rental.  I also managed to spill some water on my laptop but it was fixable for $150.  I'm wearing a holter monitor for 48 hours to track my heart rate.  It's always high at the doc and I have palpitations regularly.  I feel like a suicide bomber with all these wires and electrodes on my torso.  They are very itchy so sometimes I wish it would explode.  But I get to remove it at 3:30 today and that will be sweet relief!!

Bones is having trouble with his bladder again.  He makes tiny little puddles in the litterbox (and other places because it hurts) so we gave him fluids last night and this morning.  He is doing much better.  The puddles are bigger and lighter and he's playing more.  I think I want to get him an x-ray or something to see if there's a structural issue going on.

The garden is bursting with flowers and butterflies.  I've been keeping Variegated Fritillary caterpillars and watching them grow and pupate.  Very cool.  They eat pansies and violets.  I have plenty for them to eat!

Results: all the squash pieces were yummy.  I like the rosemary best.

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