Sunday, September 12, 2010

It sure has been a while since I blogged. Let's see...

August 20th was the Relay For Life in Stillwater. My family is a team. We all really enjoy doing the Relay each year. But this year we had a squall line come through about 11:00 so we all had to pack up and go home. Phooey. (For those of you not in the midwest and/or not an amateur meteorologist, a squall line is a line of thunderstorms.)

The end of August was filled with work, ...aaaand heat. It was hot. I continued to be tired and lethargic. One day while walking through Home Depot, DH thought maybe his bad reaction to my Hashimoto's diagnosis could be fueling my funk. I figured it was a pretty good theory and he stopped being so upset about my fatigue and viola! I stopped having so much fatigue. Funny how that works.

So far September has been a pretty good month. It is much cooler. We are getting lots of rain. Work is good. I almost feel like baking again! I haven't felt like baking in weeks. That alone makes me depressed!

Labor Day weekend helped to get my energy level back up.

Thursday DH and I went up to Stillwater to hear one of my old high school friends play. He's a very accomplished pianist and it was his junior recital. I am so glad I went! He was amazing in high school but he is phenomenal now!

Friday afternoon DH had an emergency appointment with his opthamologist (eye cancer doctor) because people had noticed his vision getting worse. He was really scared that his cancer had come back but it turned out to just be a big nasty cataract. It had been there for a long time but was too small to mess with. Now it is operable so we meet with the surgeon on the 21st. DH is worried because he doesn't want to lose his only eye. This is one of the best surgeons around and I am confident that she'll do fine, but it's not my one and only eye that's going under the knife. Friday night we sat on the couch and watched TV. DH was still reeling from the stress.

Saturday we got up early-ish and moved some friends to their new house. They had already moved the kitchen so the hard part was done and DH and I and the DH of that family were able to get the rest of the house moved in a few hours. The physical labor was good for me and helping others always makes me feel better. Saturday evening DH and I painted his new office. It has windows!!

Sunday we went to Perkins and visited my family. I helped settle a "dispute" between my mom and brother. My family's disputes are very, very mild. Mom wants to paint the house and she picked out a pre-done color palette. My brother didn't like any of the colors for his room. Mom wants the house to all go together. I told Mom, "He's 22. By this time most guys have a bachelor pad of their own. Let him have his room like he wants and you can just shut the door when you want the whole house to match." I guess she hadn't thought of it that way. By the way, my brother isn't really a bum or anything. He has 2 jobs and is very responsible. Technically Mom and Dad were supposed to move out and leave him the house but that didn't work out. They're kind of in limbo until Dad finds a job back near home and then I think they might try to build a little cottage/cabin on the family land or something.

Sunday evening was my 10 year high school reunion. It was interesting. I was barely recognized, which was my goal. Perhaps I can find a picture of me then and now so you can see. I was a really funny looking kid.

Monday DH and Froggi and I finished painting the office, and then Froggi and I went to Stillwater to repot the Toxic Plant collection at the Vet College. It was Froggi's project when she was in vet school and nobody had really messed with it in 5 or so years. So we worked on that. I brought home sooooo much plant stuff! I'm going to try to rehabilitate some of the plants and take them back to OSU, and some are just extra from 5 years of growing.

So from Thursday to Monday I didn't get to bed before midnight even once. This last week was kind of difficult! But this weekend DH let me sleep in as late as I wanted and I feel much better now.

Yesterday we went back up to Stillwater for the football game and we also checked on the plants and brought up some more that they needed. Again, not to bed until late. Blah.

Here in a little bit Froggi and I are going to the museum to check out the chocolate exhibit.

Also, the iPhones are totally awesome!!! This little gadget takes the place of so many other things and I can do a ton of stuff on the go and it's just great! I think it can do even more than I have figured out but the things I'm doing with it now are already so cool! Anyone thinking about getting one should totally get one. Unless you don't have good cell service or 3G in your area. Then it might not be so useful. But in populated areas- totally awesome!!!

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