Sunday, December 18, 2011


I didn't have to go to the hospital.  But she did do minor surgery on me and removed the ball of necrotic tissue.  I hate lidocaine injections.  After I got home and got over the minor shock I felt much better.  I had been feeling weak and shaky for several days and I no longer felt that way.  So that's good.  She instructed me to keep up with debriedment and stuff.  I see her again in the morning.  That is all.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Health Issues Continue

Ok, so things were starting to get back to normal.  I was having trouble recovering from the flu and subsequent respiratory infection.  The actual sickness was gone but my body takes a long time to get back to 100%, or what passes for 100% these days.  DH was being really understanding and I got to do a lot of resting at home.  Work was crazy.  Everyone wants their stuff before Christmas.  So that was draining some of my energy and making my recovery slower.  But I was getting there.

Last Friday I was running the inserter most of the day.  I noticed a little zit-like thing on my wrist.  I scratched it, as I am prone to do, and didn't think anything else about it.  Then Saturday night we were at Dave and Froggi's having DEVINE Shrimp and sun dried tomato Risotto and playing spades. OMG it was soooo good!  But anyway, I noticed the spot on my wrist was inflamed.  Instinctively, I knew it was a staph infection.  It didn't look like a normal wound infection.  On Sunday I rinsed it out with salt water but that didn't help.  Monday at work it really started to hurt.  It hurt to use my hand and to have it at my side while I walked, because of the throbbing.  So after work we went to the urgent care clinic and they gave me antibiotics for a regular staph infection, and told me to see my PCP if it got worse or didn't get better in 3 days. 

One of the side effects of Levaquin is insomnia.  I slept about 2 hours Monday night.  I was doing remarkably well on Tuesday until 3:00 when I hit the wall.  I was weak and feeling faint so I went home.  The work load had calmed down significantly so it wasn't a big deal.  That night, more insomnia.  DH gave me a cocktail of pain meds, a muscle relaxer, and an antihistamine and I did finally sleep but I was in no condition to go to work in the morning.  My wrist was worse too.  So DH got me an appointment at the doctor.

That was Wednesday.  Dr. K was really concerned and switched my meds to a MRSA antibiotic.  Which makes me sick to my stomach and shaky.  She told me to stay home till Monday and come back on Friday.

Yesterday I pretty much laid around.  Watched a lot of TV.  When I redressed the wound last night it was worse.  A much bigger opening and it looked angry.  DH kinda freaked and called the on call doc but he wasn't concerned.  So today at 2:30 I go back to Dr. K.  I think if I really am getting worse I may have to go to the hospital.  We'll see.

This morning I gardened to keep my mind off of things.  I finally got my daffodils and pansies planted.  But now I'm pretty weak and shaky so that might not have been such a good idea!  Oh well.