For the past couple of weeks I have been very tired. I've been sleeping the whole weekend and stuff like that. I thought maybe it was my thyroid acting up already but the test results came back normal so it's just a funk of some sort. Maybe the heat, or the lack of vitamin D due to me not getting any sunlight because of the heat. The good news it that it's supposed to cool down next week so maybe I can get my levels back up and feel better.
There haven't been very many interesting things going on lately. We got iPhones this week. That has been fun. It was pretty easy to learn to use it. The hardest thing to figure out so far is how to make a phone call (you have to tap the phone number). We've given ourselves $10 a month for songs and apps. DH has used his up already and I haven't spent a dime! But that's usually the way it is with us. DH can't keep cash in his pocket and I hoard it until I find something I really want.
Dave and Froggi went on vacation for a couple of weeks and we kept their animals. We had 2 dogs, 4 cats and 2 chinchillas in the house for 2 weeks. It was exciting! And then as soon as they got home their air conditioner blew a fuse so we added 2 more humans to the mix for a couple of days. But they did the same for us during the ice storm and we're glad to be able to help them out whenever we can. DH and I both feel like they do more for us than we do for them so we were happy to be able to help them out.
Tuvok has accidentally had a couple of opportunities to prove his trustworthiness outside of his box during the workday. So for the last couple of days we've left him out intentionally and he has been perfect. Nothing messed up or eaten. No poo or pee anywhere. He doesn't even set off the motion detectors. My baby is growing up!
That's about it. I like my boring life!