Thursday, August 25, 2011

What we leave behind

One of the Hoya dudes brought up an interesting point. In the event of our death, our plant collections need to go to good homes. And then I realized that our wills or black books or whatever need to contain the login and password information to our online communities so our cyber-friends can be notified. I haven't really thought of that since I got Lilly. She goes to Dave and Froggi. But Bones and Tuvok and Garak? Of course DH can take care of the animals on his own but I know he can't keep up with the plants. And if we both go together... It is a subject that requires more pondering.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Ok, I'm trying to catch up on pictures.  This is random stuff.  The next time I catch up I'll do one from the trip to Grand Lake.  There are lots of those pictures.
All my houseplants enjoying the rain

The Datura in mid-summer

Yes, Bones is still cute

Totally rockin' cookie cake...dude

Foam Board Light Box (beta test 2)

Lilly posing in the light box 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I have not fallen off the face of the planet.  Though some days I wish I could.

It has been hot.  Over 100 degrees almost every day.  The heat makes my shingles hurt.  Also, I'm tired.  The new thyroid pills make me hot too but they are at too low a dose to make me not tired.  So mostly I'm hot, tired, and uncomfortable.  Work continues to be difficult.  I am preparing to apply elsewhere but if work finds out they'll fire me before I am ready to leave.

A couple of weeks ago DH had a conference in Tulsa at the Hard Rock Hotel.  His boss kept suggesting that I needed to come for the banquet on Thursday night.  So I did.  Turns out, the Association of Oklahoma Narcotics Enforcers named him Prosecutor of the Year!  That was cool.

What wasn't cool was that the car started acting up during the trip.  Auto Zone ran the code and said it was an electrical problem in the transmission.  We took it to the shop on Tuesday and they serviced the transmission and put a conditioner in it to give us some more time, but said we'd need a new transmission at some point in the near future.  Tuesday night we went to Fowler Honda and bought a 2009 CR-V.  Reliable transportation is extremely important to me.  So anyway, they needed to keep it one more day to do the certification so we went back to get it on Wednesday night. 

Since we bought the 2001 CR-V in 2004, I've had 3 things I wanted in our new car: good cupholders, passenger side armrest, and lots of windshield wiper speeds.  This car has all three of those so I'm happy with it.  It has lots more too, like a sunroof, but that stuff isn't as important.  But the more I drive the car the more I like it.  Today we bought a bunch of stuff for it like a steering wheel cover and a 12v vacuum cleaner and ArmorAll wipes.  We already need to use the vacuum because we got 5 bags of mulch.  :-)

I decided that I could mulch the part of the backyard that was muddy with some old mulch we had on the side of the house.  That worked pretty well even though I spread a really thin layer.  But then it rained and half the mulch is gone.  I guess it got buried or something.  So I got more.  Hopefully it will stand up to the rain better this time.

I've been doing lots of Hoya things.  The cuttings from Iris Marie in Australia rooted so I potted them up.  And then Joni at SRQ was having a sale so I got 6 plants from her.  Then I made a light box to take pictures of them.  Turns out the cats like the light box too.  I'll upload pictures soon I hope.  But for now, know I'm still alive. :-)